Here's a list of everything I use when I'm baking, I'll split things into essentials and extra things which make baking that little bit easier, or even that little bit more fun.
- Mixing Bowls- varies sizes. I like Pyrex, because these can be microwaved, oven-ed and are basically impossible to go wrong with.
- Scales- I use electric scales, simply because they're easier and more accurate to work with. But any kind of scales are fine.
- Spoons- Wooden spoons, and metal spoons will pretty much cover you for all your baking adventures.
- Baking Tins/ Trays - These are something you really can't go without . A simple 12 hole muffin tray is an essential.
- Baking Cases- Again, very much an essential item, you can get them uber cheap, or slightly more expensive and fancy ones. Simple.